CATHOLIC FAITHLINK: “Vatican unveils updated healthcare charter as new ethical questions arise” – CNA

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“The Vatican has issued an updated version of their charter for healthcare workers, removing question marks from modern ethical concerns such as euthanasia and the creation of human-animal chimeras by offering a clear set of guidelines. …”

#CATHOLIC NEWSLINK: “Do #Catholic hospitals discriminate? [so-called “#transgender”] patients raise issues of identity and language for Catholic health care facilities” – OSV News/Mary Rice Hasson

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“… The hospital’s unwillingness to be a venue for [so-called] #gender reassignment has nothing to do with who Conforti is, and everything to do with what the surgery entails (removing a healthy uterus) and why it was requested (to [so-called] reassign gender and reduce feelings of #genderdysphoria)….”