CATHOLIC FAITHWATCH: “Saint John Paul II’s Christological Catechesis” – VaticanVa

Saint Pope John Paul II file photo, adapted from image at

“1.Catechesis as contemplation of the mystery of Christ:
From 7th January 1987 to 19th April 1989 the Holy Father John Paul II gave extensive catechesis on the second article of the Creed: “I believe in Jesus Christ”. It consists of 85 chapters of a Christological itinerary divided into eight stages:
a. Jesus Christ in the Old and New Testaments (1-13);
Christ Breaking Bread, Photograph of Painting, adapted from image at with credit to Detroit Publishing Co.b. Jesus Christ Son of God (14-33);
c. Miracles as “signs” of Jesus’ divinity (34-40);
d. Jesus Christ man among men (41-44);
e. The Church’s faith in Jesus Christ (45-49);
f. Jesus Christ’s mission (50-64);
g. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice (65-76);
h. Jesus Christ’s Resurrection and glorification (77-85). …”

Click here for “Saint John Paul II’s Christological Catechesis” – VaticanVa

[featured images are file photos]

View of St. Peter's Basilica at Vatican from River

CATHOLIC FAITHLINK: “The Enduring Love of God – A Homily for the 4th Sunday of Lent”- Archdiocese of Washington/Msgr. Charles Pope

Holy Trinity and Scenes From Scripture

“The readings from Sunday Mass speak to us of our desperate condition and how God’s abiding love has not only set us free but has lifted us higher as well. God was not content to restore us to some earthly garden, paradise though it was. No, He so loved the world that He sent His Son, who opened Heaven itself for us and has given us a new, transformed, and eternal life. …”

CATHOLIC FAITHWATCH: “Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Homily of His Holiness Saint John Paul II, 21st Anniversary of the Death of Paul VI, Friday, 6 August 1999” – 8.6.99

Saint Pope John Paul II file photo, adapted from image at

“Today, the Eucharist which we are preparing to celebrate takes us in spirit to Mount Tabor together with the Apostles Peter, James and John, to admire in rapture the splendour of the transfigured Lord. In the event of the Transfiguration we contemplate the mysterious encounter between history, which is being built every day, and the blessed inheritance that awaits us in heaven in full union with Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. 

We, pilgrims on earth, are granted to rejoice in the company of the transfigured Lord when we immerse ourselves in the things of above through prayer and the celebration of the divine mysteries. But, like the disciples, we too must descend from Tabor into daily life where human events challenge our faith. On the mountain we saw; on the paths of life we are asked tirelessly to proclaim the #Gospel which illuminates the steps of believers. …”

Click here for: “Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Homily of His Holiness Saint John Paul II, 21st Anniversary of the Death of Paul VI, Friday, 6 August 1999” – 8.6.99

[featured images are file photos]

View of St. Peter's Basilica at Vatican from River


CATHOLIC VIDEO: “Mount Tabor and the Feast of the Transfiguration” – Franciscan Media

Mount Tabor file photo, adapted from image at, adapted by Steve Welsh,

“Franciscan Media presents a look at Mount Tabor and the Church of the Transfiguration, site of the Transfiguration of Jesus, when Jesus was transformed in appearance with His Face Shining like the sun and His clothing dazzling like light; when Jesus conversed with Moses and Elijah; and when the Voice of God the Father came from a dazzling cloud, saying, ‘This is My Beloved Son, with Whom I AM well pleased; listen to Him,’ all before the eyes of the Apostles Peter, James and John. …”

CATHOLIC MASS READINGS: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas), At the Vigil Mass 12.25.17 – USCCB/NABRV

Historic Bible

“This is how the Birth of Jesus Christ came about.
When His Mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,
but before they lived together,
she was found with child through the Holy Spirit.
… the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said,
‘Joseph, son of David,
… it is through the Holy Spirit
that this child has been conceived in her.
She will bear a son and you are to name Him Jesus,
because He will save His people from their sins.’ … “

CATHOLIC FAITHLINK: “Becoming a True Image of God; Sermon for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, 2-5 ; Opera omnia 8, 335” – Saint Lawrence of Brindisi / DailyGospel

Christ the King Historic Image Print For Planned Stained Glass Window, adapted from image at

“… ‘Therefore give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.’ We are to give back to each their due. Now this is a saying that is truly full of wisdom and heavenly understanding because it teaches us that there are two sorts of power, one earthly and human, the other heavenly and divine… * * * We have been created in the Image and Likeness of God (Gn 1:26). …. From now on if I ask with Christ: ‘Whose image and inscription are these?’, you reply: ‘God’s’. And I answer: ‘So why do you not give back to God what is His?’ If we truly want to be God’s image then we must resemble Christ, since he is the Image of God’s Goodness and ‘the very imprint of His Being” (Heb 1:3). ….”

CATHOLIC FAITHLINK: “God and God Alone – A Homily for the 29th Sunday of the Year” – Archdiocese of Washington/Msgr. Charles Pope

Cross Atop Rocky Cliff

“… Here are some things we might include in a list of what we owe to God:
1. Adoration, love, and gratitude
2. Obedience to His Word and His Law
3. Worship
4. Repentance
5. Support of His Church by attendance at sacred worship, financial support, and sharing of our gifts and talents
6. Proclamation of his Word both verbally and by witness
7. Devoted reception of the sacraments
8. Raising our children in His truth and in reverence of Him
9. Evangelization (making disciples)
10. Preparing for death and judgment through a holy and reverent sojourn in this world. …”

CATHOLIC FAITHLINK: “[‘Obedient to the Father in the footsteps of the Son’] Meditation for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross” – Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross [Edith Stein]/ Institute of Carmelite Studies/ DailyGospel

Cross Atop Rocky Cliff

“‘Your will be done!’ (Mt 6,10). This was the content of the Savior’s life. He came into the world to fulfill the Father’s will, not only to atone for the sin of disobedience through his obedience (Rom 5,19), but also to lead people back to their destiny by the way of obedience.

The created will is not destined to be free to exalt itself. It is called to come into unison with the divine will. If it freely submits itself to this unison, then it is permitted in freedom to participate in the perfection of creation. If a free creature declines this unison, it lapses into bondage. The human will continues to retain the possibility of choice, but it is constrained by creatures that pull and pres­sure it in directions straying from the development of the nature desired by God, and so away from the goal toward which it itself was directed by its original freedom. With the loss of this original freedom, it also loses security in making decisions. It becomes unsteady and wavering, buf­feted by doubt and scruples or obdurate in its error. …”

CATHOLIC VIDEO: “Mount Tabor and the Feast of the Transfiguration” – Franciscan Media

Mount Tabor file photo, adapted from image at, adapted by Steve Welsh,

Franciscan Media presents a look at Mount Tabor and the Church of the Transfiguration, site of the Transfiguration of Jesus, when Jesus was transformed in appearance with His Face Shining like the sun and His clothing dazzling like light; when Jesus conversed with Moses and Elijah; and when the Voice of God the Father came from a dazzling cloud, saying, “This is My Beloved Son, with Whom I AM well pleased; listen to Him,” all before the eyes of the Apostles Peter, James and John.

CATHOLIC FAITHLINK: “Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Homily of His Holiness Saint John Paul II, 21st Anniversary of the Death of Paul VI, Friday, 6 August 1999” – 8.6.99

Saint Pope John Paul II file photo, adapted from image at

“Today, the #ucharist which we are preparing to celebrate takes us in spirit to Mount Tabor together with the Apostles Peter, James and John, to admire in rapture the splendour of the transfigured Lord. In the event of the #Transfiguration we contemplate the mysterious encounter between history, which is being built every day, and the blessed inheritance that awaits us in heaven in full union with #Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

We, pilgrims on earth, are granted to rejoice in the company of the transfigured Lord when we immerse ourselves in the things of above through prayer and the celebration of the divine mysteries. But, like the #disciples, we too must descend from Tabor into daily life where human events challenge our faith. On the mountain we saw; on the paths of life we are asked tirelessly to proclaim the #Gospel which illuminates the steps of believers. …”

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