NCAA CFBPLAYOFF & ABORTION: 'Notre Dame' Football CFP semifinal opponent Penn State boasts of cozy relationship with abortion provider Planned Parenthood and 'family planning'

Like a luxury mansion that turns out to be infested with vermine, rodentia and toxic mold, "Notre Dame's" regular football schedule and conference affiliations are riddled with schools that perform abortions and train abortionists.

Their ill-fated involvement with the would-be NCAA College Football Playoff fares no better, with the playoff brackets littered with abortion schools such as their first-round opponent Indiana University and, most likely, semifinal opponent Penn State.

The Catholic Church takes abortion so seriously that procurement of abortion brings automatic excommunication.

CFP semifinal opponent Penn State had a major academic department issue a strident pro-abortion message saying it "denounces and condemns" the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision rolling back abortion decisions Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

While Penn State seems a bit more "cagey" about potential abortion connections, information about their OB/GYN residency program rotations, when opening mid-page menu tabs, does speak of so-called "family planning" rotations and visits to so-called Planned Parenthood.

Even though Planned Parenthood will speak of offering other types of services, they traditionally, on a national level in the past, have been a top provider, or the top provider, of "surgical" abortions.

According to Penn States OB/GYN program:

"... Family Planning

... Interns participate with Early Pregnancy and Contraception clinics at Hope Drive staffed by the Complex Family Planning Attendings. There is also the opportunity to scrub for add on OR cases by the faculty as the need arises from patients seen in clinic.  ... Interns accompany the Complex Family Planning faculty on Fridays to Planned Parenthood on Fridays. Interns are supported to participate in patient care to the extent that the resident feels comfortable with. ..."

What is particularly hypocritical of the NCAA in allowing Penn State to participate in post-season play is that fact that, in the past, the NCAA leveled severe sanctions against Penn State Football over child molestation. Abortion is, of course, even worse than child molestation, since it has, as its object and aim, the intentional killing of children in their mother's wombs.

By playing abortion schools, or participating in a playoff or conference that features them, "Notre Dame" helps to falsely legitimize abortion schools, and enhances their revenues and prestige. Perhaps even worse, attempting to integrate feel-good Americana with abortion institutions adds to the "business as usual" complacency and quietism that has helped make possible the mind-boggling magnitude of surgical and chemical abortions in the United States. Since the ill-fated Roe v. Wade decree by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, over 63 million Americans have been killed in their mother's wombs by "surgical" abortion alone.

"Notre Dame's" regular season schedule often includes abortion schools such as Stanford and Southern Cal. They belong to conferences featuring multiple abortion schools, such as the ACC is most "Olympic" sports and the so-called B1G in hockey.

Now, with the college football playoff, they find themselves mixed in with abortion schools, and likely playing at least two.

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["Notre Dame" is placed in quotes out of respect for the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus, her Divine Son. The words "Notre Dame," of course, are French for "Our Lady," referring to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. It would be disrespectful to imply that she would be associated with various scandals emerging in the current era at the post-secondary institution near the Indiana-Michigan border whose nonprofit corporation persists in calling the institution "Notre Dame du Lac," including those scandals demonstrating lack of fidelity to Christ, such as the honoring, hiring or retention of pro-abortion politicians and faculty.]

Key Words: Abortion, Notre Dame Football, Penn State, Catholic Colleges and Universities, Planned Parenthood, Family Planning

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