"Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics suspend abortions as new law takes effect; IN law bans all abortions, but leaves some exceptions for rape, incest, maternal health" - Fox - SCW Newswatch
Fox reports on the Indiana Supreme Court moving towards restoration of Indiana's near-total on abortions.
- "Indiana's six remaining abortion clinics ceased performing the procedure as a law heavily restricting it went into effect Tuesday.
- The law bans all abortions, but leaves a 10-week window for rape and incest cases, and a 20-week window for threats to maternal health and grave fetal anomalies."
A lower court had blocked the Indiana law attempting to cite the state constitution. The Indiana Supreme Court overruled the lower court, but had not finished certifying its ruling to take effect, when a litigant moved for a rehearing on a narrower issue. As a result, the ruling's effect, restoring implementation of the abortion law, will be delayed.
In the meantime, however, various abortion clinics already have stopped performing abortions.
Click here for "Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics suspend abortions as new law takes effect; IN law bans all abortions, but leaves some exceptions for rape, incest, maternal health" - Fox 8.1.23
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