For post-abortion women, voting for Biden is like choosing to kill their baby all over again - SCW Thought-Starters

The Joe Biden candidacy is especially cruel for women voters previously involved with prenatal child-killing. For them, voting for Biden would be like choosing to kill their developing child all over again, and one wonders if that is the message relentlessly launched at them.

While any sane woman who has gone through that experience would prefer to repudiate it -- and not be reminded of it -- the pro-"abortion" drumbeat of the radical left is like an aggressive male, or a kind of aggressive devil, that simply will not leave them alone.

No amount of sloganeering could undo a mother's instinct that she was carrying another person and that person is now gone.

Leftist presidential candidate Biden has so entangled himself with so-called "abortion" that voting for him would be like choosing to kill their (preborn) baby all over again.

There is an old saying, "you can't be a little bit pregnant." You're either pregnant or you're not, and you're not pregnant with a toenail; you're pregnant with a baby.

Roughly 62 million surgical prenatal child-killings have occurred since a renegade Supreme Court acted illegally in the 1970s, and at other times since, to block many criminal prosecutions for the act.

The quintessential Washingtonian insider of many decades, Biden has done a kind of diabolical dance over the years, always being pro-abortion, yet splitting hairs about where he falls within that spectrum.

Now becoming even more radicalized for his latest presidential campaign, Biden has earned endorsements from, among others, the biggest abortion perpetrator, so-called "Planned Parenthood," and another major abortion advocate, NARAL.

The intention and focus of prenatal child-killing is just that, to kill human life developing in a mother's womb.

Nevertheless, there has been a concerted effort to dub the killing so-called "abortion," presumably to mischaracterize the activity as something clinical, as a kind of would-be artificial miscarriage.

The entire purpose and sole intent of "abortion" is to kill. Attempting to dub it an artificial version of a biological event, such a miscarriage, that is, to dub it the artificial version of a tragic yet naturally occurring spontaneous abortion, would be like attempting to engage in similar manipulations with how one describes a gangland killing by a hit-man assassin.

Consider the assassin who shoots someone in the back of the head, with the main intention of causing injury to their brain sufficient to kill them. Now consider someone who wishes to decriminalize widespread assassinations, who casually acts as if it is a given that the gangland slaying should be called an "artificial aneurism," based on the rationale that an aneurism caused damage to the brain that can be fatal, and so does the point-blank-range assassin's bullet. Now consider the pro-assassination advocate who wants to call the hitman an "aneurist," wants to call the murders "aneurisms," and wants to call them healthcare and a sacred right for the person hiring the assassin.

(One big difference, of course, is that apparently aneurisms are around 50% fatal. With prenatal child-killings, the fatality rate for the developing child is nearly 100%.)

For the scores of millions of women alleged to have had "abortions" that event likely is the worst event of their life. Many people do not have to live through one of their family members being murdered, and fewer still were, themselves,duped into becoming involved with the murder personally.

Not only did the post-abortive woman lose a child, they themselves were likely drawn into being responsible for it, except in those cases, such as in China, or cases in the United States where an underaged girl has alleged that she was subjected to the matter against her will, where "abortion" is forced. In other cases, it is alleged, the mother is coerced or pressured into submitting to the murder of the prenatal child.

The action of killing a child in the womb also strikes savagely at the heart of what it means to be human, to be a mother and, because only women can be mothers, strikes at the heart at one of the most important realities unique and special about being a woman.

That, in many cases, the child can feel pain, and that some abortion procedures involve a ripping apart of the victim, adds to the horror -- death by torture.

Adding to the vicious, morally psychopathic, aspect of the dynamic is the relentless suggestion that their involvement with the murder of their own child was somehow for the mother's own good, that this thing which kills their child, destroys their life and undermines a core special uniqueness of their womanhood is empowering, that it somehow reinforces their womanhood even while it attacks it. The lies and manipulations add to the overwhelming diabolic evil.

The manipulation that is somehow for the women's own good adds to the abusiveness of the practice, with its eerie similarity to other abusers of women seeking to brainwash victims into thinking they somehow "deserve" abuse, or are somehow aggrandized by their association with an abuser.

In addition to surgical "abortions" are the many chemical "abortions," including those resulting from the abortifacent effects of so-called "birth control pills."

The overwhelming magnitude of "abortion" is such that the numbers also strike at the heart of the legitimacy of American government and American democracy.

The number of votes going to pro-"abortion" candidates is now similar to the number of persons killed by policies. It would be like Adolf Hitler killing six million Jews, getting six million votes, having six million additional living people vote against him, then claiming he was the duly elected leader of a democracy.

Then there is, indeed, the ethnic factor in U.S. prenatal child killings, with "abortion," for example, impacting Black populations at a much great proportion, per population, than Whites, to the point where "abortion" in America has been deemed a racist, anti-Black genocide. Indeed, it has been pointed out that the biggest "abortion" perpetrator is an organization founded by a woman who embraced racist eugenics and declared an organizational mission to limit numbers of "Negro" babies.

All of these subjects, of course, deserve their own treatment and consideration. Yet, amidst the rest of the horror of the Politics of Death, the ultimate Politics of Hate, is the sheer and utter cruelty of trying to brainwash women who are post-abortive into essentially choosing to kill their preborn child all over again by trying to trick them into voting for a human rights abuser monster like Biden or his confederates, who have so entangled themselves with an Ideology of "Abortion" that a vote for them is a vote for "abortion."

Image of Preborn Child in the Womb with Anti-Smoking Public Education Message, adapted from image at